Our Identity
SANGI Co., Ltd. is a small Japanese company (just over 100 staff), specializing in applications of the calcium phosphate compound hydroxyapatite, a synthetic form of the natural hydroxyapatite that makes up our teeth and bones.
Our Philosophy
SANGI's name comes from the three principles 三儀 : 'San-Gi' of the Chinese scholar Mencius, 天の時、地の利、人の和: ’The timing of the heavens, the riches of the earth, and the harmony of men.' Our motto, 偏らず、拘らず、捕われず: ’Unbiased, uninsisting, unconfined,' inspires us to be always open to new challenges and ideas. And our aim is to support the regenerative powers of people and of nature, to create a healthier, more beautiful world.

Our History
Established as a trading company in 1974, SANGI quickly evolved into a product development firm focusing on hydroxyapatite. Today we call ourselves 'The Apatite Company.' This arose largely because of a patent from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Authority (NASA), acquired in the course of trading, which drew attention to the potential of this highly biocompatible substance to restore human teeth and bone. Within a few years, SANGI began researching and producing this remarkable material, and in 1978, we became the first company in the world to develop a toothpaste incorporating hydroxyapatite - 'the same substance as our teeth' - that could remineralize tooth enamel.

Our Core Technology : Hydroxyapatite
By the 1990s, SANGI had moved beyond oral care alone to research a wide range of applications for hydroxyapatite. These have included scissors, water filtration systems, antimicrobials, food supplements and remineralizing chewing gum, industrial catalysts, drug delivery systems and more recently, skincare. By design, SANGI has remained 'fabless,' focusing on R&D and turning ideas into products. We entrust manufacture of all products to outside companies beyond the pilot plant stage.
As its name - from the Greek απάτη ('apato'), meaning ‘elusive’ - implies, hydroxyapatite is a unique material whose fundamental structure remains unchanged, even if part of the elements comprising it are removed or replaced. This makes it possible, depending on the method of synthesis, to produce it in a variety of forms each with different properties, suitable for applications in a wide range of fields. Applications commercialized by SANGI to date are chiefly dental, but we have a portfolio of other applications underway at the development stage.